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Achievements, Awards, Accreditations of Jammu Hospital Jalandhar
Achievements, Awards, Accreditations of Jammu Hospital Jalandhar

Center of Excellence
Jammu Hospital feels proud by adding another feather to its crown of being awarded and certified as the First Centre of Excellence in the field of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery in Punjab by Obesity Surgery Society of India.

Master Surgeon by SRC, USA
Dr GS Jammu is also honoured and certified by the Master Surgeon Award in the field of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery by ( SRC USA ) Surgical Review Corporation, USA.

Jammu Hospital has a unique distinction of being the First Bariatric Surgery Center in Punjab to be accredited and certified with the highest national quality accreditation, NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers. It is the first and the only non-corporate hospital of north India to have this quality accreditation according to which Jammu Hospital provides services and infrastructure par excellence, comparable to the best centres in the world.