Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery
Best Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center in Jalandhar (Punjab) India
Punjab First Centre of Excellence & NABH Accredited BARIATRIC SURGERY Center

What is Obesity ?
When a person has a weight which is about 20% more than the ideal body weight a person is said to be obese. Obesity is graded in terms of BMI (Body Mass Index) which is a statistical measurement derived from one’s height and weight.
At BMI more than 23 people start showing signs of obesity. A BMI of more than 30 indicates that you are a behavioral method have failed in controlling your weight and you are a candidate for bariatric / weight loss surgery.
Formula to Calculate BMI
BMI = Weight (in kg)/Height (in m2)
Factors leading to Obesity :
Some people are born with a predisposition to gaining weight and becoming obese. Factors that increase the person’s risk of becoming obese are genetics, lack of physical activity, family history, age, negative emotions, eating disorder.
Complications associated with Obesity :
Incident of heart attack with BMI more than 40 is about 10 times more in an obese person.
Obesity puts you at greater risk of developing diabetes, gall bladder diseases, hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, breathlessness, sleep apnea, CHD, osteoarthritis, gout, reproductive hormone abnormalities, and polycystic ovary syndrome and cancer.
Ways to overcome obesity :
Weight loss is usually possible through dietary changes, increased physical activity, and behavior modification. One can reduce 10 to 15 kg of excess body weight with dieting and exercise but once you lose weight another difficult task is to maintain the lost weight.
In case when diet & exercise have failed then only best solution is bariatric/weight loss surgery, which not only helps to get rid of your extra weight but also controls your type-II diabetes, high cholesterol, snoring, sleep apnea, joint pains, etc.

For more information or Book an Appointment.
Before & After Surgery
Visit our Bariatric Surgery Youtube Channel for LIVE Testimonials
British Woman Hayley preferred to chose Dr GS Jammu for Bariatric Surgery in India
Army man’s 4 Month Journey after Mini Gastric Bypass for Weight Loss | Lost 33 Kg
12 Years Journey after Gastric Bypass for Weight Loss | Politician & Business Woman
Deed Writer undergoes Mini Gastric Bypass | Lost 36 Kilos
Patient 68 years, No challenge after Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery | Lost 32 Kilos
Mini Gastric Bypass in India | Immigration Consultant in Canada loses 8 kilos in 9 days
What is Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery ?
Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery in India is a type a procedure performed on people who are obese for the purpose of losing weight. It refers to the various procedures perform to treat obesity by modification of the gastrointestinal tract to reduce nutrient intake and absorption. It is a laparoscopic procedure done through small incisions.
How does Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery work ?
- Restricting to the amount of food that your body actually needs. That means it gives you a feeling of fullness after you have eaten the small amount of food which is sufficient for your body and you don’t like to eat more than that.
- Optimize the absorption of calories in your food, actually according to the body needs.
- After the surgery, you can start losing a few kilos every month for a period of 12-18 months. You lose 60-80% of your excess body weight.
Who all can undergo Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery ?
- When your BMI is more than 27.5 kg/m2 and you have one of the medical conditions e.g. diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.
- If your BMI is 30 or more than 30kg/m2 without any medical problem (IDF guidelines for Asian’s).
- If dieting and exercise failed in weight loss.
- When you are unable to perform routine activities well in your day to day life.
Types of Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery?

Which Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery is right for you ?
Before you decide to go for bariatric surgery in Punjab, India you must know which procedure suits you as there are different type of surgical procedures which include :
- Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery (MGB)
- Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Resection
- Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
- Gastric Balloon
- Banded Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery
- To bypass most of the stomach to reduce the amount of food one can eat.
- To rearrange the small intestine so as reduce the calories the body can absorb.
Weight reduction pattern after surgery :
After the surgery individual starts reducing weight slowly that is few kilos every month. Within 12-18 months patients achieve their target weight.
Recovery after surgery :
After bariatric surgery, people typically stay in the hospital for 2 or 3 days and return to normal activity within 2-3 weeks.
Benefits of Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery
Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery is one surgery that resolves multiple serious health problems
There is a number of serious health problems that reduce after surgery like :
Weight loss: Weight loss is the first and biggest advantage of bariatric surgery. Individuals who go through this surgery will lose 60-80% of his/her excessive body weight within 12-18 months.
Type II diabetes: Type II diabetes is resolved in 85-90% of patients. In fact, in the same gastric bypass cases, the resolution of type II diabetes occurred within a few days of the surgery.
High Blood Pressure: At least 70% of patients who have high blood pressure and who are taking medication to control it are able to stop all medication and have a normal blood pressure usually within two to three months after surgery.
High Cholesterol: Gastric By-Pass surgery can help lower cholesterol and improve the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol within six months of surgery nearly all patients with high cholesterol had normal blood cholesterol levels and 91% of patients who were on statins or other lipid-lowering drugs before surgery no longer needed them.
Asthma / Respiratory Insufficiency: Most asthmatic find that they had fewer and less severe attach, or sometimes none at all. Improvement of exercise tolerance and breathing ability usually occurs within the first few months after surgery.
Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Dramatic relief of sleep apnea occurs as our patients lose weight, many reports that within a few weeks of surgery their symptoms were completely gone, and they had even stopped snoring altogether.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Relief of all symptoms of reflux usually occurs within a few days of surgery for nearly all patients, undergoing gastric bypass or bariatric surgery with the crural repair.
Low back pain, degenerative disk disease, and Degenerative joint disease: Patients usually experience considerable relief of pain and disability from degenerative arthritis and disk disease and from pain in the weight-bearing joints. This relief tends to occur early, usually with the first 10-15 kg lost.
Infertility: Weight loss surgery may help infertility in obese women especially those that are infertile polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
Significant weight loss after surgery can help restore normal menstrual cycle, reduce high androgen level and reduce the risk of type II diabetes all which plays a role in woman’s infertility.
Bariatric surgery also decreases the incidence of hirsutism in women.
Quality of life improved: After the surgery as patients found that they felt better, spend more time doing recreational and physical activities, benefited from enhanced productivity and economic opportunities and had more self-confidence then they did prior to surgery
Complications after Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery
Very Few people have complications after surgery. These are usually minor and manageable which include :
Nausea, Vomiting, Dumping, Infection, Ulcer, Temporary Hair Fall, Formation of gall stone, Nutritional deficiency. These are some small problems that are solved with counseling and multivitamin supplementation.
Is Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery cost-effective?
The cost of the Bariatric Surgery or Weight Loss Surgery in Punjab India varies according to the procedure most of the people think that bariatric surgery is very expensive because as they have to pay all together but they don’t think about long term benefits of the surgery.
According to me, this surgery is cost-effective; one important reason is that weight loss surgery resolves conditions associated with obesity such as type II diabetes, high cholesterol, etc., and so patients save money on related prescriptions, drugs, doctor visits, and a hospital visit. So, bariatric surgery is a step that increases your life expectancy. One starts living disease-free life with normal weight and feels more active. It is a magic that changes your life…..
Myths and Facts about Bariatric Surgery / Weight Loss Surgery
Myth: Bariatric Surgery is the removal of fat from the body.
Fact: Not a single gram of fat is removed or liposuction is done in bariatric surgery. It is based on the principle of restriction of food & less absorption of food.
Myth: Weight loss surgery (Bariatric Surgery) is a new surgery.
Fact: It is a very old surgery. The first bariatric surgery was done in the year 1966. In India, it is being done for more than a decade with figures as high as 15000 cases per year.
Myth: Bariatric Surgery is cosmetic surgery.
Fact: This surgery not only reduces your overweight but also helps in the resolution of your comorbidities like Type II Diabetes Mellitus, High Cholesterol, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, Joint Pain, PCOD & Fatty Liver Disease. So, this is not a cosmetic but a life-saving surgery.
Myth: All bariatric surgeries are the same.
Fact: There are different types of bariatric surgery procedure for example Mini Gastric Bypass, Roux-N-Y Gastric Bypass, Gastric Band, Gastric Sleeve Resection, Duodenal Switch, SADI, Plication, and ileal interposition.
Myth: All bariatric surgery lead to an equal amount of weight loss.
Fact: Excess weight loss varies from procedure to procedure. Excess weight loss may range from 20% to more than 90%.
Myth: People who don’t eat much can not gain weight.
Fact: Sometimes obesity is genetically related or overproduction of hunger hormones or slow metabolic rate of the body. An obesity-prone person who even eats less can gain weight for such people bariatric surgery is boon.
Myth: It is possible to lose your weight with diet & exercise.
Fact: Only 10-15% of people can lose their weight with diet & exercise. If you stop the dietary and exercise regime all the lost weight can come back.
Myth: Bariatric surgery is reversible.
Fact: Some bariatric surgery is reversible like a mini gastric bypass & gastric band.
Myth: You can eat very little after surgery.
Fact: Bariatric surgery allows to eat food according to your ideal body weight.
Myth: Bariatric surgery is done by open methods with a large incision.
Fact: An experienced laparoscopic surgeon is able to perform bariatric surgery comfortably and successfully using the laparoscopic technique.
Myth: You will vomit out if you eat more.
Fact: Procedure like gastric bypass reduces the high pressure in the stomach so negligible chance of vomiting. We at Jammu Hospital Jalandhar provide the highest degree of professional excellence at an affordable price. A bariatric coordinator stays in touch with the patient even once they are discharged.
Why do we prefer Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery over other procedures
What is mini gastric bypass surgery?
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery started in 1997 is a simple, easily done, revisable and reversible weight loss surgery.
How it is done?
This procedure is done laparoscopically, making small five one cm holes on the abdomen. A long, narrow gastric pouch is made along the lesser curvature of the stomach.
A wide gastrojejunostomy is made at about 2m from the starting point of the small intestine. It re-routes the food from gastric pouch to the distal part of the small intestine, while bypassing the residual stomach and proximal part of the small intestine, leading to less intake of food and less absorption of food.
This causes low-calorie absorption and hence gradual and sustained weight loss. The whole procedure takes about 20-30 minutes.
How long is the hospital stay?
The patient stays in the hospital for 24-48 hours after the surgery. Patients start taking liquid diet shortly after the surgery, sometimes as early as a few minutes, depending upon the level of consciousness and clearance from the recovery room doctors.
When does a patient start walking after the surgery?
Usually within a few hours of surgery patients are mobilized.
What is diet after Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Patients start taking liquid diet on the day of surgery and switch to soft and solid diets within days of surgery. Patients are encouraged to have high protein, low carbohydrate, and low-fat diet after the surgery.
Non-Vegetarian patients can have high proteins from egg, fish, and chicken, whereas vegetarian patients can have high proteins from tofu cheese, soya milk, cereals, and soybean, etc.
A Mediterranean diet like salads, Eating primarily plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. Replacing butter with healthy fats, such as olive oil. Using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods.
What diet should be avoided after MGB?
Diet high in carbohydrates, sugar, and fats should be avoided for eg. Fizzy drinks, fried food, etc.
What supplements one has to take after MGB?
You need to take Vitamins (B12, Folic Acid, B6, Biotin, etc.), Calcium in citrate form. Iron is required for menstruating females.
When can one start the normal routine work?
4-5 days after the surgery, light jobs can be started, which include office jobs. The jobs which require physical strength can be started 10 days after the surgery.
What is diet after Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery ?
Do Not worry about Diet after Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) Surgery.
• You can have light breakfast in the morning like a cup of tea with biscuits.
• After 6 hours of fasting, you are taken for surgery.
• After 6 hours of surgery, you can again start taking clear liquids.
You can start having clear liquids like :
• Water • Coconut Water • Lemon Water • Weak Tea
• Daal Water • Fat-Free Milk • Clear Juices • Clear Soups
You can start having :
• Thick Liquids and Soft Diet in the form of Soup (with Mashed Chicken and Mashed Vegetables)
• Lassi • Daal • Curd • Custard
• Soya Milk • Oats • Corn Flakes
• Thin Dalia and Khichri for one week until sutures are removed.
You can start eating Normal Diet which is high in Protein and Fiber like :
• Whole Cereals • Pulses • Whole Fruits • Green Leafy Vegetables
• Soya Bean and its products • Chicken • Fish • Egg (only white part)
• Soaked Almonds • Walnuts • Milk and Milk Products
• Sprouts • Peanut Butter • Tofu • Cottage • Cheese etc.
• Eat slowly and be aware of when you feel full.
• Chew, Chew, Chew!
• Avoid drinking fluids 30 minutes before and with your meals.
• Drink enough fluid between meals to meet your fluid requirements.
• Avoid food and beverages high in sugar.
• Avoid food high in fat and have no nutritional value.
• Learn proper eating habits that will promote weight loss while maintaining health at a reduced weight.
• Consume an adequate amount of protein to minimize the loss of lean body mass and facilitate healing.
• Take adequate amounts of fluid to maintain hydration.
• Obtain adequate nutrients for optimal health through vitamin and mineral supplementation.
• Smoking after surgery can be harmful.
What is diet after Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery ?
Do Not worry about Diet after Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) Surgery.
• You can have light breakfast in the morning like a cup of tea with biscuits.
• After 6 hours of fasting, you are taken for surgery.
• After 6 hours of surgery, you can again start taking clear liquids.
You can start having clear liquids like :
• Water • Coconut Water • Lemon Water • Weak Tea
• Daal Water • Fat-Free Milk • Clear Juices • Clear Soups
You can start having :
• Thick Liquids and Soft Diet in the form of Soup (with Mashed Chicken and Mashed Vegetables)
• Lassi • Daal • Curd • Custard
• Soya Milk • Oats • Corn Flakes
• Thin Dalia and Khichri for one week until sutures are removed.
You can start eating Normal Diet which is high in Protein and Fiber like :
• Whole Cereals • Pulses • Whole Fruits • Green Leafy Vegetables
• Soya Bean and its products • Chicken • Fish • Egg (only white part)
• Soaked Almonds • Walnuts • Milk and Milk Products
• Sprouts • Peanut Butter • Tofu • Cottage • Cheese etc.
• Eat slowly and be aware of when you feel full.
• Chew, Chew, Chew!
• Avoid drinking fluids 30 minutes before and with your meals.
• Drink enough fluid between meals to meet your fluid requirements.
• Avoid food and beverages high in sugar.
• Avoid food high in fat and have no nutritional value.
• Learn proper eating habits that will promote weight loss while maintaining health at a reduced weight.
• Consume an adequate amount of protein to minimize the loss of lean body mass and facilitate healing.
• Take adequate amounts of fluid to maintain hydration.
• Obtain adequate nutrients for optimal health through vitamin and mineral supplementation.
• Smoking after surgery can be harmful.
Why Dr. GS Jammu ?

Dr. Gurvinder Singh Jammu
Director and Head, Department of Surgery
Dr. GS Jammu is the leading bariatric surgeon in Jalandhar Punjab India. He is honoured by Master Surgeon Award in the field of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery by Surgical Review Corporation, USA.
He is running Jammu Hospital in Jalandhar Punjab which is accredited with highest National & International Accreditations: COE (Center of Excellence by Obesity Surgery Society of India), NABH (National Accreditation Board of Hospitals and Healthcare Providers) & IEF (International Excellence Federation for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery).
His center is performing the highest number of successful bariatric/weight loss/mini gastric bypass procedures in India.
Dr. GS Jammu has to his credit more than 20,000 Laparoscopic Surgeries and 6500 successful bariatric surgeries which include Mini Gastric Bypass, Roux-n-Y Gastric Bypass, and Sleeve Gastrectomy.
Why Jammu Hospital ?
Dr. Gurvinder Singh Jammu opened Jammu Hospital in 2004, where he practiced most advanced surgeries. Jammu Hospital started as 10 bedded hospital in 2000 at an old building but with increasing popularity and good outcome prompted to shift the hospital in a new building with 43 beds.
Jammu Hospital became a Multi Super Specialty Hospital, serving patients with multiple specialties.
Jammu Hospital is now famous as a leading Bariatric Surgery Center in India. Where Dr. GS Jammu has operated more than 4000 successful bariatric surgeries.
Jammu Hospital is accredited with highest National & International Accreditations: NABH (National Accreditation Board of Hospitals and Healthcare Providers) & IEF (International Excellence Federation for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery).
This center is performing the highest number of successful bariatric/weight loss/mini gastric bypass procedures in India.
Jammu Hospital Jalandhar is the only non-corporate hospital in India to have three fully integrated OR1 (Karl Storz Germany) Operating Rooms.
Thus, making the operating rooms world-class, infection-free, non-obstructive workflow & live streaming ready.
World-class care at Jammu Hospital- Jalandhar (Punjab)
With the adoption of the latest technologies, techniques, and world-class medical expertise, Jammu hospital at Jalandhar, Punjab offers healthcare services comparable with the finest in the world with outcomes that are at par with the best. The value for money services is delivered in a patient-friendly setting with tender loving care.
Contact Us :
Jammu Hospital Jalandhar
Kapurthala Road, Near Sports College
Jalandhar (Punjab) INDIA
Contact : +91 8283 0000 10 | +91 98140 70870 | Email :