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Swallow Pill Gastric Balloon Program

Swallow Pill Weight Loss Gastric Balloon Program Jalandhar Punjab
Swallow Pill Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Program Jalandhar Punjab
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This program is eligible for people with BMI > 27.

With help of this Swallow Pill Gastric Balloon Program you can lose an average 15-20% of your body weight in approximately 16 weeks. This is a 6 months scientifically backed program which helps to reduce your weight as well as readjust your mindset towards your food intake to maintain your weight loss, for your long-term health.

How does the Swallow Pill Gastric Balloon work?

The Gastric Balloon is a pill balloon capsule, which is swallowed under the guidance of our Surgeon Dr GS Jammu without Anesthesia or Endoscopy.

Once the balloon is swallowed by you, it is inflated in your stomach. The entire procedure takes approx 15 minutes. This program is monitored with a connected digital scale, health tracker and app. You are backed up by our expert dietician who helps you with customized diet plans as per your age, weight and health challenges.

The balloon fills you up to reduce your hunger while you learn new healthy eating habits. You eat better, eat less and it becomes a part of your daily habit.

After approximately 16 weeks, the balloon will naturally deflate and pass through your digestive system. By the time balloon passes you will be adjusted to smaller portion and sizes of food. And this leads to long-lasting results for you.

gastric balloon weight loss program jalandhar punjab


What is the Swallow Pill ?

The swallow pill is a soft capsule that is swallowed by the patient and is filled by fluid once it is inside the stomach. After filling with fluid the capsule takes the shape of a balloon. The balloon takes up space and the patients tends to eat less as the stomach is filled with balloon. The gastric balloon program requires no surgery, endoscopy or anesthesia. The complete process of swallowing the balloon and filling it up with fluid takes approximately 15 minutes.

How much weight can be reduced with the Swallow Pill weight loss program?

The swallow pill weight loss program helps in reducing approx 15-20% of total body weight. It takes approximately 16-18 weeks to reduce weight. Studues prove that approx 80% of total weight loss after the balloon is inserted occurs in the first 3 months of treatment.  This is why the gastric balloon lasts approximately 4 months.

Is it easy to swallow the gastric balloon pill?

Almost all people succeed in swallowing the gastric balloon pill. Yet if one has trouble swallowing the balloon capsule on its own, our surgeon or physician is available to assist by gently stiffening the catheter with a thin wire.

How is the gastric balloon removed?

The balloon has special time activated release valve which dissolves after approximately 16 to 18 weeks of placement inside the stomach. The fluid and empty gastric balloon passes naturally through the gastrointestinal tract without any requirement for a manual removal procedure.

What happens after the gastric balloon has passed?

After the swallow pill gastric balloon has passed, the weight loss program and the hospital team support continues for one month. One must carry on with the healthy eating and lifestyle habits which one has learned during the 4 to 6 months weight loss program period. If one keeps up with healthy diet and exericse, one will be able to maintain his reduced weight and lead a healthy life.

How does the Swallow Pill Balloon Work?

The balloon takes up space in the stomach once it is filled with fluid. The balloon works as it helps in feeling of fullness and reducing the amount of food intake during each meal.

What are the possible side effects after Swallow Pill Gastric Balloon placement?

Very few people experience nausea, abdominal cramps, occasional vomiting after balloon placement. In almost all the cases these syptoms are well controlled with the commonly used medications that are prescribed after the balloon placement.

What happens on the placement day of the gastric balloon?

The patient swallows the capsule which has the deflated balloon inside. This balloon is attached to a thin tube. The thin tube has marking on it which confirms that the balloon has reached its ideal position in the stomach. Then the balloon is filled through the catheter with 550ml of saline fluid. It takes approximately 15 minutes for the whole procedure to complete.

When can I return to normal daily acitvities after the balloon placement?

Most people return to normal activities within a day or two. Some people may experience inconvenience for a longer period. It is advisable to keep off from work for a couple of days.

What is recommended diet or dietary restrictions after the gastric balloon placement?

One do not need to make huge changes to his dietary regime all at once. Yet there are some specific dietary recommendations before placement of balloon and during first week after placement. It may take some time to adapt to the balloon. Do not worry, our expert  doctors, dietician and team will be there to backup you with all their experience to make you weight loss journey easier.

Can I exercise with the gastric balloon in my stomach and will I feel it?

Some people feel the balloon at the beginning but get used to it after a while. After getting used to it people often forget that it is in there.

Benefits of Swallow Pill Weight Loss Program

Swallow Pill Weight Loss Program Placement Procedure

Patient Testimonial – 10 Days after placement of Swallow Pill Gastric Balloon

Contact Us :

Jammu Hospital Jalandhar

Kapurthala Road, Near Sports College
Jalandhar (Punjab) INDIA

Contact : +91 8283 0000 10  |  +91 98140 70870 | Email : info@jammuhospital.com
