bariatric surgery in punjab

Bariatric Surgery Punjab, Housewife from Mumbai 5 years Journey | Lost 50 Kilos

How she managed to overcome High Blood Pressure and bring her Diabetes in Normal range with Bariatric Surgery in Punjab

Dr GS Jammu’s patient from Mumbai (Age 53 Years). She came to Jammu Hospital for her bariatric surgery in punjab almost 5 years back.

We can have a brief idea of her 5 years journey after Bariatric Surgery in Punjab at Jammu Hospital.

Her weight before surgery was 134 Kg and she has reduced 50 kilos after bariatric surgery.

Patient is very happy with the results of bariatric surgery in punjab as she has lost her 50 kilos weight and also her obesity related health challenges like Type-II Diabetes (Earlier Blood Sugar levels ranged upto 450-500 mg/dL) She was on insulin to control her surgar levels and High Blood Pressure is also under control.

Now, after surgery she doesn’t need to take any medicine for her diabetes and high blood pressure. She is only taking her mutivitamins suggested by Dr GS Jammu.

She is very disciplined in taking her multi vitamins and getting her blood work done regularly. Her blood work reports are all normal.

After improving her life with bariatric surgery, she is always eager to help other obese patients with her advice and guidance to clear any doubts of obese patients before going or deciding for getting bariatric surgery done.

We have shared her mobile number in the video. Anyone can call her at an appropriate time and get her advice.

She feels that undergoing bariatric surgery was her best decision. It is a new life for her after. She was facing difficulty in her day to day life and having lack of self confidence before surgery.

After experiencing the services and care at Jammu Hospital, she always suggests everyone to opt Jammu Hospital for their bariatric surgery.